Stairway Partners, LLC Named to 2017 Financial Times 300 Top Registered Investment Advisers
Stairway Partners has again been named to the Financial Times 300 Top Registered Investment Advisers ranking (FT 300), a list which recognizes the top independent investment advisory firms in the United States.
The 2017 FT 300 is an independent listing produced by the Financial Times based on data gathered from RIA firms, regulatory disclosures and the Financial Times’ research. The list reflects each firm’s performance in six primary areas, including assets under management, asset growth, compliance record, years in existence, credentials and accessibility. Neither the RIA firms nor their employees pay a fee to The Financial Times in exchange for inclusion in the FT 300.
It is truly an honor to receive this distinction for the second time from an esteemed publication such as the Financial Times. We believe that this type of recognition serves as a validation of our on-going commitment to providing clients with a disciplined investment approach that focuses on efficient implementation and transparency.

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